Professional and Transparent
We are the only Canadian national retailer dedicated to precious metals.
When we founded Canada Gold over a decade ago, the options for selling your gold were truly lacking. Our parents, and those around us, didn’t feel comfortable going into pawn shops or mailing away their gold. Our research found that these options typically didn’t post their pricing, withheld their information about your items to use their superior knowledge against you in negotiations intended to pay you as little as they could get away with, and transacting from a hole-in-the-wall with bars on the windows, neon signs and X-boxes on the wall. Canadians were not getting a good experience or good value for their gold and silver.
We imagined a professional and transparent service and methodically brought this alternative to Canada’s major markets. Since our inception, Canada Gold has served hundreds of thousands of Canadians from coast to coast, becoming the #1 gold and silver buyer in every market in which we operate, and has touched over 5% of the Canadian adult population with our education campaigns. Returns and referrals are the largest part of our business.
The experience, refined, includes the following:
- A professional in-store atmosphere; safe, discreet/privacy-respected, comfortable and modern
- Knowledgeable well-trained staff and proper equipment to ensure accuracy
- Teaching moments in every transaction, ensuring you know as much about your items as we do
- Transparent pricing and processes on our website and in-store
- A fair pricing model that pays Canadians the most possible for their gold and silver
- Courteous and consistent service
- Entrepreneurial; finding more and better ways to serve the needs of Canadians
- 100% Canadian ownership and partnerships
- Bilingual
As part of our commitment to honest business ethics and for your peace of mind, each of our Canada Gold locations is listed with the Better Business Bureau. Our mission is to provide a completely transparent, honest and simple way for you to maximize your return on precious metals.